1. Introduction
Having a solid backup & recovery plan is critical to the success of your website. Despite everyone’s best intentions accidents will happen, plugins will break and even prepare for the worst should your site get hacked.
Having scheduled backups can help mitigate those concerns and give you peace of mind.
With that said lets get started, it’s quite simple and will only take a few mins to get setup.
First lets navigate to the backup manager by clicking on ‘websites and domains’ from the left side navigation menu, the selecting ‘Backup Manger’ from the right side menu.

2. Backup Manager
Once in the Backup Manager select ‘schedule’ from the top row of buttons.

In the schedule window you’ll be able to set your options for backup. You may choose to run your backups at any time you wish. Note that all our server’s timezones are set to UTC time. For reference to UTC check here.
1. Set backup time
2. Activate backup task
3. Use incremental (this will help conserve your disk space)
4. Backup mail configuration and content plus user files and databases
5. Set email notifications. (so you are aware if a backup fails)
Some things to note, your maximum number of full backups you can retain is defined by you hosting plan.

You’ve now successfully setup your backup schedule. Simply click Ok and your backups will run according to schedule. Check our other articles on performing restores or sending your backups to cloud storage for even greater resiliency.